
May Newsletter: How Your Optometrist Can Help with Myopia Control

Can Your Optometrist Help You Control Myopia (Nearsightedness)?

Wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses helps you see better if you have myopia, but won't prevent your nearsightedness from worsening. If you or a member of your family are nearsighted, your optometrist offers several treatment options that could slow the progression of myopia. Current options include:

Atropine Eye Drops

Using prescription atropine eye drops may slow the rate of myopia progression. The drops relax the ciliary muscles that change the shape of the lens inside your eye and the size of your pupils.

The lens is a clear, flexible disc inside the eye that focuses light on the retina, a layer of cells at the back of the eye that converts light into electrical signals. The ciliary muscles relax or tighten to alter the shape of the lens as you look at a near object or shift your focus to something in the distance. These changes ensure that light is focused at the exact point on the retina needed for sharp vision.

Atropine eye drops are usually used before you go to sleep. Although the drops slow the progression of myopia, they can't cure it. According to a meta-analysis published in the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care in 2022, atropine drops offer an effective way to slow the progression of myopia in children.


Orthokeratology, commonly called ortho-k, involves reshaping a person's corneas by wearing special contact lenses overnight. The cornea, the clear tissue covering the iris and pupil, refracts light as it enters the eye. Ortho-k lenses flatten the cornea, which helps improve the focus of light on the retina.

You'll remove the contact lenses every morning and enjoy sharp, clear vision during the day. Ortho-k contact lenses must be worn every night to maintain vision results in adults and children. The lenses don't offer immediately results, but do slowly improve vision over several weeks.

Ortho-k not only reduces reliance on eyeglasses but may also keep myopia under control. A literature review published in Ophthalmology in 2019 noted that ortho-k was effective in slowing myopic progression in children and teens and was most beneficial when started between ages 6 - 8.

Multifocal Lenses

Soft multifocal contact lenses contain several lens powers in one lens, allowing them to provide good near, far, and intermediate vision. The center part of multifocal contact lenses keeps near vision sharp while the outer rings improve intermediate and far vision. The outer rings increase focusing power and keep peripheral light rays focused in front of the retina. According to the National Institutes of Health, focusing light in front of retina slows eye growth in animal studies.

Wearing multifocal lenses slowed myopia progression and eye growth in children aged 7-11 during a three-year study funded by the National Eye Institute.

Multifocal eyeglass lenses could offer the same vision advantages as contact lenses and can be a good option for people who aren't comfortable inserting contact lenses.

Research studies thus far on myopia control have focused on the benefits for children and teens. Although atropine, ortho-k and multifocal lenses haven't been extensively studied in adults yet, that doesn't mean that these options won't also slow myopia in adults. In fact, they may be a good option if you'd like to keep your nearsightedness from getting worse. Your eye doctor can help you decide which option is best for you or your child.

Would you like to find out if atropine, ortho-k or multifocal lenses could keep your myopia under control? Contact our office to schedule an appointment with the optometrist.


NCBI: Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care: Efficacy of Atropine for Myopia Control in Children: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials, 11/2022

Ophthalmology: Use of Orthokeratology for the Prevention of Myopic Progression in Children, 4/2019

National Institutes of Health: Multifocal Contact Lenses Slow Myopia Progression in Children, 8/11/2020

Review of Myopia Management: Adults Need Myopia Management Too, 4/3/2023

American Optometric Association: Myopia

nternational Myopia Institute: Myopia

December Newsletter: Can Reading Glasses Improve Your Vision?

Can Reading Glasses Improve Your Vision?

Sooner or later, most of us struggle with poor near vision. Luckily, presbyopia, the age-related vision error that causes near vision problems, can be corrected with a pair of reading glasses.

What Causes Presbyopia?

Presbyopia happens when the lens inside the eye stiffens with age. The lens, typically a flexible disc, bends light onto the precise point on the retina needed for clear vision. The retina serves as the eye's processing center and turns light into electrical impulses. The brain creates the vivid images you see after receiving the impulses from the eyes.

The lens constantly changes shape as you shift your focus between near and for objects. The flexibility of the lens makes it possible to see clearly at near, middle, and far distances. Unfortunately, your near vision suffers when your lens becomes less flexible. As a result, items close to your eyes begin to look blurry. At first, holding a book or newspaper away from your eyes helps, but that trick stops working eventually.

While some lucky people manage to avoid presbyopia, almost 90% of people over 45 have it, according to the American Optometric Association (AOA). The AOA notes that presbyopia could develop even earlier if you have cardiovascular disease, diabetes or multiple sclerosis, or take diuretics, antihistamines, or antidepressants regularly.

How Do Reading Glasses Help?

Reading glasses correct near vision. Prescription lenses boost your focusing power, making it possible to see clearly when you're reading fine print or threading a needle. Unfortunately, reading glasses aren't a one-and-done purchase. Stephanie Marioneaux, MD, an ophthalmologist and spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology, told Consumer Reports that stronger reading glass prescriptions may be needed about every five years.

If you've never worn glasses before, it may take a little while to get used to the idea of putting on a pair of glasses for close work. Already wear prescription eyeglasses? Bifocal, trifocal, or progressive lenses might be good choices for you. Bifocals include two powers in one lens. The bottom half of the lens helps you focus on near vision, while the top contains a prescription for myopia (nearsightedness) or hyperopia (farsightedness.) Trifocals are similar to bifocals but contain three distinct lens powers. Progressive lenses combine two or three lens powers that gradually blend together without lines. If you choose trifocals, bifocals, or progressive lenses for your vision correction, you won't necessarily need a separate pair of reading glasses, although some people find separate reading glasses helpful.

Are Over-the-Counter Reading Glasses Just as Good as the Glasses the Eye Doctor Offers?

Over-the-counter reading glasses, available at drugstores, discount department stores, and grocery stores, are a convenient option when reading the fine print is difficult. Although over-the-counter glasses can be helpful, they do have a few drawbacks, including:

  • Inaccurate Prescription. The over-the-counter reading glasses you pick may not contain the correct prescription. Lenses that are too weak or too strong can cause eyestrain or headaches. Over-the-counter reading glasses contain the same lens power in both lenses, but many people need slightly different prescriptions for each eye. If you buy drugstore reading glasses, your eyes may struggle to adapt to the incorrect prescription.

  • Poor Quality. Reading glasses are so inexpensive because they're made of cheaper materials. The frames may break after a few months of light wear, the lenses might scratch easily, or the fit may be uncomfortable.

  • Few Choices. Style isn't much of a consideration when it comes to reading glasses. Your choices will be limited to a few frame selections, none of which might complement your appearance.

When you visit the optometrist for reading glasses, you'll receive a thorough examination and a prescription that accurately corrects the vision in both eyes. Exams aren't just about testing your ability to see clearly. Your eye doctor will also look for signs of common vision problems, like glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. If you have one of these conditions or diseases, your optometrist can discuss appropriate treatments.

With your prescription in hand, you can choose from hundreds of high-quality, attractive frame styles offered by your eye doctor. Prescription reading lenses are also better quality than those found in over-the-counter reading glasses. They're less likely to scratch and may offer anti-glare, blue-light protection and other features.

Is it about time you considered reading glasses? Contact our office to schedule your comprehensive eye exam.


American Optometric Association: For 128 million U.S. Presbyopes, Doctors of Optometry Can Provide Treatment Options, 8/24/2023

Consumer Reports: If You’re Straining to Read This, It Might Be Time for Reading Glasses, 8/2/2022

All About Vision: Reading Glasses: How They Help with Up-Close Vision, 2/27/2019

December Newsletter: What You Can Do to Protect Your Eyes in the Workplace

What You Can Do to Protect Your Eyes in the Workplace

Sprains, burns, cuts, and broken bones aren't the only job-related injuries that can ruin a day at work. Depending on your job, you may also be at risk for several eye conditions or injuries. Reducing your risk can be as simple as following these tips:

Follow Safety Rules and Regulations

Although they may be inconvenient at times, safety rules and regulations are in place to protect employees from injuries. Disabling a guard on a piece of machinery or failing to wear your safety goggles could result in temporary or permanent loss of vision due to an eye injury. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, contact with machinery or objects were the most common causes of eye injuries that resulted in a missed day of work.

Make Eye Protection a Priority

Luckily, you can significantly lower your eye injury risk by wearing goggle, face shields, helmets, and other eye safety gear when you're around machinery or chemicals. The American Optometric Association recommends wearing the appropriate eye protection if you might be exposed to chemicals or their fumes, radiation, lasers, bloodborne pathogens, or concrete, dust, metal, or wood particles.

Protecting yourself from bright light is important if you're a welder or work outside for long periods. Twenty-five percent of welding injuries affect the eyes, according to Occupational Health & Safety Magazine. Exposure to flashes of light while welding can cause eye pain and swelling. Welding without adequate eye protection could increase your risk for damage to your retina, the light-sensitive tissues at the back of the eye.

Whether you're welding or working outside, wear eye protection that blocks 100% of ultraviolet A and B rays. Long-term exposure to ultraviolet light may increase your risk of cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and skin cancer around the eyes. If the safety glasses or goggles your job provides aren't comfortable, your eye doctor offers several types of eye protection available in both prescription and non-prescription varieties.

Work with Screens? Breaks Are Important for Your Eye Comfort

According to an analysis by the National Skills Coalition, 92% of jobs now require digital skills. Although laptops, tablets, cellphones and other digital devices undoubtedly make working easier, staring at these screens for hours can cause computer vision syndrome. Symptoms of the syndrome include:

  • Eyestrain

  • Headaches

  • Blurry vision

  • Headaches

  • Dry Eye

  • Neck, Shoulder and Upper Back Pain

Dry eye is a particularly common complaint among screen users, due to decreased blinking. Blinking keeps eyes moist by spreading a layer of tears over the front of the eyes. Unfortunately, people tend to blink less often when viewing screens.

Reminding yourself to blink and taking short breaks can help your eyes stay moist and comfortable. Eye doctors recommend taking breaks every 20 minutes. During the break, look at an object about 20 feet in the distance for 20 seconds.

Improve Your Comfort with a New Pair of Glasses

Harsh office lighting and glare from screens can cause eye discomfort and even trigger migraines. Wearing glasses with special lenses can help you avoid headaches, eyestrain, and uncomfortably dry eyes. For example, rose-tinted FL-41 lenses might be a good idea if you suffer from computer vision syndrome, blepharospasm, or migraines or if you struggle with glare. The lenses filter some blue and green wavelengths that cause light sensitivity, while improving contrast.

Other options include computer glasses that provide clear vision at the optimum distance for viewing screens while filtering blue light and TheraSpecs lenses. Rose-tinted TheraSpecs lenses filter blue light and can be helpful for anyone who has migraines or experiences light sensitivity when exposed to fluorescent and LED lights.

Are your eyes fully protected at work? If not, we'll help you find eyewear that will keep your eyes safe from injury while providing crystal clear-vision. Contact our office to schedule an appointment.


US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Workers Suffered 18,510 Eye-Related Injuries and Illnesses in 2020, 3/31/2023

American Optometric Association: Protecting Your Eyes at Work

Occupational Health & Safety: Preventing Eye Injuries When Welding, 2/1/2007

All About Vision: Computer Glasses, 7/18/2023

Medical News Today: How to Prevent Fluorescent Light Headaches, 7/24/2020

Did you know that your eyes are an extension of your brain? There are six muscles connected to each eye, and they receive signals from the brain. These signals direct the eyes movements and, thus, control their ability to focus. When you are stressed, your brain goes through a number of changes and signals some of your body’s glands to release hormones in an attempt to deal with the stressor. With the brain undergoing all of these alterations, the eyes may become impacted as a result of their connection.

When you suffer from stress, adrenaline is pumped through the body at great speeds. This causes the pupils to dilate, which increases the amount of light that enters the eyes and allows us to better analyze the situation at hand, as well as make rapid decisions. However, if too much light enters during a moment of stress, or if you go through repeat states of stress and light penetrates the eyes, the following can occur:

  • Poor vision

  • Light sensitivity

  • Eye aches and strain

  • Blurriness

  • Eye twitching

  • Eye floaters

  • Tunnel vision

  • Headaches

These symptoms may also develop due to the muscles in the face tightening and blood vessels in the eyes constricting, which are other ways the body reacts to stress. These eye conditions should only be temporary and last no more than one hour.

It is important to note that all of the ways stress affects the eyes are the direct result of adrenaline flooding through the body. When the flood stops, the aforementioned eye complications should stop. Therefore, it is recommended that you attempt to relieve stress in the moment and control it by:

  • Closing your eyes

  • Taking deep breaths and/or meditating

  • Finding a distraction to take your mind off of the stressor

  • Exercising (e.g. walking or running)

If after one hour—and after trying these stress reduction techniques—the problems persist, see an optometrist. He or she can perform a number of vision tests to determine whether there is a non-stress related cause. If stress is simply the cause, tinted prescription lenses or other visual aids can be offered.

Oftentimes people with long-term anxiety and stress experience hypersensitivity to light and eyestrain, especially during the day when light is at its greatest. Any slight movement can cause visual disturbance and, over time, the strain put on the eyes can lead to muscular tension and tension headaches. Wearing tinted lenses can help with light sensitivity and ease eye strain, as well as minimize head pain.

We take a lot of aspects of our vision for granted. We expect to see nearby and faraway objects clearly, even if we require our eye care provider to prescribe eyeglasses or contact lenses to do so. A huge degree of the information we take in about our world and our surroundings takes place visually, yet we rarely recognize and appreciate the fact. Finally, as adults we blink on average 10 to 15 times per minute or over 16,000 times during an 18-hour day. Despite all the mechanical action involved in blinking, moving one's eyes to follow a moving object, or even focusing our eyes to see a small object, most of us rarely experience eye pain. Thus, when we do experience eye pain, it is an extremely frustrating event, despite the magnitude of the pain we may feel. The pain may limit our ability to see, read, walk, watch TV or conduct many of the activities of daily living.

Common Sources of Eye Pain

• Physical or Chemical Irritants

Eye pain or irritation can come from a variety of sources. Sand or grit blown into one's eyes can cause significant discomfort until the particles are rinsed out with a neutral eye solution. The vapor of some harsh chemicals can also cause eye irritation, particularly if used in enclosed spaces. Tear gas is an example of a chemical designed to cause severe eye irritation, overactive tearing as the eyes attempt to wash the chemical away, and involuntary eyelid closure to avoid additional exposure to the irritant. An optometry evaluation may be necessary under these circumstances to help treat the exposure and prevent permanent damage.

• Photokeratitis

"Snow blindness" or "flash burns" -- the eyes' equivalent of a sunburn -- can occur when we expose our eyes to bright sunlight or extremely bright lights without the protection of ultraviolet sunglasses. Just like a sunburn, the eyes may require two to three days to recover. Treatment for photokeratitis usually consists of cool compresses to the closed eyes three to four times per day, an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication by mouth and plenty of fluids. Like a sunburn affects the skin, photokeratitis can cause long term damage to one's visual health.

• Dry Eye Syndrome

Insufficient tear production or dry eye syndrome can also cause significant eye pain and irritation. We depend upon our liquid and mucous-based tears to lubricate our eyeballs and prevent friction with each blink. When tears are absent or made in insufficient quantity, friction, irritation, and pain can result.

Managing Pain

Some neurological conditions -- such as migraine headaches, cluster headaches or trigeminal neuralgia -- can also appear with primary symptoms of eye pain. See your eye care provider if these symptoms persist or if you are experiencing frequent or ongoing eye pain.

Glare and Halos

Glare and halos are both eye symptoms that some people experience around bright lights. Halos show up as bright circles around a light source. Glare is light that interferes with your vision, making it difficult to see or sometimes making your eyes water.

These symptoms can show up at any time of the day. Halos often appear at night when the area around the lights is dim or dark, such as while driving at night.

Several conditions can cause glare and halos, such as aging or certain types of eye surgery. Treatment may involve taking care of the underlying cause. Other times, you may need to avoid driving at night if the glare and halos interfere with your driving.

Causes of Glare and Halos

Several things can cause glare and halos, including:

  • Cataracts

  • Refractive surgery, such as LASIK

  • Aging

  • Common eye problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism

  • Pupil dilation during an eye exam

  • Artificial lens implants used to treat cataracts (intraocular lenses, or IOLs)

When your eyes are heavily dilated during an eye exam, the light passes through the outer edge of the lens. This allows the light to bend (refract) differently as it passes through. This can cause glare.

If you have had LASIK or another kind of refractive surgery, you may experience glare or halos around light for several months after the procedure.

Treatment for Glare and Halos

Before deciding on a treatment, your eye doctor will perform an eye exam to determine what’s causing the glare and halos. Possible treatments include:

  • Watching and waiting to see if the glare and halos clear up on their own, such as after LASIK surgery

  • Medicated eye drops

  • Treatment for cataracts

  • Wearing sunglasses during the day to reduce glare

  • Using the visor on your car to keep direct sunlight out of your eyes

  • Correcting your vision with glasses or contact lenses

If you notice pesky glare or halos, contact our office today. We can diagnose your condition and suggest appropriate treatment options.

Lazy Eye

Lazy eye, also referred to as amblyopia, is a condition that develops in infancy or early childhood, and it typically starts when the focus in one eye is more enhanced than the other. The eye with less focus might be impaired due to a significant amount of farsightedness or astigmatism, or something could be obstructing light from getting through like a cataract or debris in the back of the eye. Amblyopia may also develop due to an ocular misalignment known as strabismus, in which one eye turns inward or outward, keeping the eyes from focusing together on an object. This can cause double vision.

How Lazy Eye Effects Your Vision

In all of these cases, the brain receives two different images—be it one blurry and one sharp visual of the same object, or two completely different visuals. In order to compensate, the brain, over time, learns to ignore the image it receives from the impaired or deviated eye, causing vision in that eye to weaken to the point of permanent visual deficiency.

A complete eye exam is recommended for all children between the ages 3 and 5. However, if your child is younger and you have a family history of amblyopia, or notice that his or her eye wanders inward or outward, or if the eyes do not appear to work in unison, it is important that you seek out an ophthalmologist or optometrist sooner.

A lazy eye can be corrected and vision can be gained with eye patches, eye drops, prisms, contact lenses, glasses, surgery, or vision therapy if a diagnosis is made early and treatment is administered. Amblyopia is more challenging to treat after the child has passed the age of 7 or 9.

To determine whether your child has lazy eye, a complete eye exam will be needed. The child’s optometrist will look for a wandering eye and assess the vision of both eyes, looking specifically for poor vision in one or both. Tests may include:

  • Looking for cataracts or debris behind the eye(s) using a lighted magnifying device

  • Photo screening

  • Remote autorefraction

  • Putting a patch over each eye and having the child look at picture or letters

  • Examining the eyes’ ability to gaze, fixate on and follow a moving object

Treatment for Lazy Eye

Regarding treatment, the first step may be to rectify any underlying problems in the “bad” eye before applying a patch over the normal functioning eye. While the child will have difficulty seeing with only the weaker eye at first, vision will eventually improve as the brain is forced to use it. This can take weeks or months.

If the child’s amblyopia is mild, the optometrist might solely recommend using atropine in the functioning eye, rather than wearing a patch. The eye drop helps dilate the pupil and blurs the vision in the normal working eye, which causes the malfunctioning eye to do most of the heavy lifting, figuratively speaking.

Many children with a lazy eye will also need glasses or contact lenses to assist with focusing. Should the child have a cataract or debris behind the eye that is blocking light from getting in, surgery may be needed to remove the blockage. Surgery or visual therapy may also be needed if strabismus is present and severe. Operating on the muscles of the eye, or performing certain eye exercises, will allow the eyes to move together.

July Newsletter: Can Eye Exams Detect Diabetes?

Can Eye Exams Detect Diabetes?

Diabetes cases are on the rise in the US. More than 28 million people have been diagnosed with the disease, while another 8.5 million are undiagnosed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Undiagnosed diabetes puts your health at risk, even if you haven't experienced any symptoms yet. Luckily, your optometrist can spot subtle eye changes that can indicate you have diabetes.

How Diabetes Affects Your Eyes

Diabetes doesn't change the way your eyes look from the outside, but does cause changes inside them. During an eye exam, your eye doctor looks for these diabetes signs:

  • Swollen Lenses. High blood sugar may cause swelling in the clear lens inside your eye. Swelling changes the shape of the lens and affects the way light focuses on the retina at the back of the eye. Do have blurry vision that comes and goes? Your vision changes could be due to swollen lenses. Your vision improves as your blood sugar level drops and blurs again if it becomes too high.

  • Optic Nerve Damage. People who have diabetes are twice as likely to develop glaucoma, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease. Glaucoma is defined by damage to the optic nerve, the connection between your eye and your brain. Damage to the optic nerve can cause partial or temporary vision loss. During a comprehensive eye exam, your eye doctor uses drops that dilate your pupils. Dilated eye exams allow your optometrist to see the optic nerve and spot any damage or changes that could be caused by diabetes.

  • Abnormal Blood Vessels. Your optometrist may see abnormal blood vessels in your retinas when your eyes are dilated. The condition, called diabetic retinopathy, affects one out of three of US adults with diabetes over 40, according to the CDC. Diabetic retinopathy causes blood vessels to leak fluid or blood, interfering with vision. New blood vessels may also form. Unfortunately, the new vessels are often weak or abnormal and may leak. Diabetic retinopathy can cause blurred vision, faded colors, blank spots, and blindness.

  • Vitreous Hemorrhage. The vitreous is the clear gel-like substance that gives your eyeball its shape. A vitreous hemorrhage occurs when blood from leaking blood vessels enters the vitreous. Shadows cast by spots of blood create floaters, wispy, string-like objects that drift in front of your eyes from time to time. Although floaters normally aren't a sign of a serious problem, they can be a warning sign that you may have diabetes.

  • Macular Swelling. High blood sugar levels can also cause problems for the macula, the middle part of the retina. The macula is responsible for good color and central vision. If your eye doctor notices that your macula is swollen, you may have diabetic macular edema. Fluid from leaking blood vessels in the retina causes macular edema. The condition may make colors look faded and cause blurry or double vision or dark spots in your vision.

  • Cataracts. Cataracts could be another sign that you have diabetes. Although cataracts commonly occur with aging, they're yet another condition that affect people with diabetes more often. Cataracts occur when the lenses inside the eye become cloudy and yellow. According to the American Diabetes Association, high blood sugar levels can eventually cause changes to the structure of the lens. These changes may make cataracts form more quickly. Cataract symptoms include sensitivity to light and glare, faded colors, halos around lights, night vision problems, and blurry, cloudy, or double vision.

Early detection of diabetes helps you protect your vision and your health. Reduce your risk of diabetes complications with an annual visit with the eye doctor. Contact our office to schedule a comprehensive vision examination.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: National Diabetes Statistics Report, 6/29/2022

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Diabetic Retinopathy

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: Diabetic Eye Disease, 5/2017

American Diabetes Association: Taking Charge of Your Diabetes and Eye Health

National Eye Institute: Diabetic Retinopathy, 7/8/2022

July Newsletter: Soft vs. Hard Contacts: Pros and Cons

Soft vs. Hard Contact Lenses: Which Is Right for You?

Contact lenses aren't a one-size-fits-all solution. The type of lens that works well for your friend may not be the ideal option for you. Taking a look at the pros and cons of each type of contact lens available can help you decide whether soft or hard contact lenses are the better choice for you.

About Soft Contact Lenses

Soft contact lenses are made from silicone hydrogel, a flexible type of plastic that conforms to the shape of your cornea. The cornea is the clear tissue that covers your iris and pupil. Soft contact lenses improve your vision if you have myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism (blurry vision at any distance), or presbyopia. Presbyopia affects your eye's ability to focus as you get older. If you're considering soft contact lenses, you'll need to decide between daily and extended wear lenses.

Daily wear lenses are worn once before being thrown out. They're made of thinner plastic than extended wear contact lenses.

  • Daily Wear Pros. You may find daily wear contact lenses a little more comfortable than extended wear contact lenses, thanks to their thin design. Because the lenses are disposable, you won't have to worry about protein buildup, a problem that can cause discomfort and increase your risk of giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC). Giant papillary conjunctivitis causes red, swollen bumps inside your eyelids. Protein buildup may also increase your risk for infections or dry eye, according to All About Vision. If you suffer from dry eye, your optometrist can recommend soft contact brands that are designed to keep your eyes moister. Do you hate the idea of cleaning contact lenses every night? When you choose soft daily wear lenses, you'll won't need to buy cleaning solutions or lens cases. You'll start each day with a brand-new pair of lenses.

  • Daily Wear Cons. Daily wear contact lenses tear more easily than extended wear or hard lenses. If you take a lens out in the middle of the day, you'll need to replace it with a fresh contact lens and won't be able to wear it again. Daily wear lenses are more likely to absorb smoke, allergens, dust, and other substances, which may lead to eye irritation.

Extended Wear Contact Lenses are made of thicker plastic and can be worn for up to one month, although your eye doctor may recommend wearing them for a shorter period.

  • Extended Wear Pros. Extended wear lens are thicker and less likely to tear than daily wear lenses. Their design increases the amount of oxygen that reaches your cornea. The lens can be removed if needed and placed back in your eye after using a rewetting solution. If cost is a concern, extended wear contact lenses may be better for your budget. The lenses cost a little less than daily wear.

  • Extended Wear Cons. You'll need to clean and disinfect your contact lenses every night. If you don't, your contacts may become uncomfortable due to protein buildup. Failing to follow the cleaning schedule your eye doctor recommends also increases your risk for eye infection.

About Hard Contact Lenses

Hard contact lenses are also called gas-permeable contact lenses. They're smaller, made of stiffer plastic and aren't flexible like soft contact lenses. Hard contact lenses also sharpen your vision if you have myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, or presbyopia.

  • Hard Lens Pros. Hard lenses provide sharper vision than soft lenses and allow more oxygen to reach your cornea due to their smaller size. Protein doesn't stick to hard contact lenses as easily as soft lenses, which may make them a better option if you have sensitive eyes. Hard lenses are the most durable type of contact lenses and can last for as long as a year with regular cleaning and careful handling. Hard lenses may offer better vision if you have a significant degree of astigmatism or irregularly shaped corneas. The lenses may also slow the progression of myopia.

  • Hard Lens Cons. Hard lenses can be less comfortable than soft lenses. You'll need to gradually increase your daily wearing time while you get used to them. If you haven't worn the lenses for a while, you may need to restart the adjustment process. Like extended wear lenses, hard contacts require daily cleaning to prevent discomfort or infection. Hard contact lenses don't conform to your cornea as tightly as soft lenses and may be more likely to fall out when you're active.

Are you ready to improve your vision with contact lenses? Contact our office to schedule a contact lens exam.


All About Vision: 3 Best Contacts for Dry Eyes in 2023

American Optometric Association: Healthy Vision and Contact Lenses

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Contact Lens Types, 1/11/2022

American Academy of Ophthalmology: Contact Lenses for Vision Correction, 5/3/2024

June Newsletter: The Importance of Eye Exams for Kids

The Importance of Eye Exams for Kids

Regular eye exams are a must for kids. Since vision problems often appear for the first time during childhood, scheduling annual eye exams offers a simple way to protect your child's eyesight.

Good Vision Is Essential for Learning

Your child relies on his or her visual memory to remember spelling words or recognize shapes and letters. If your child's vision is blurry, the information stored in the brain's visual memory center may not be accurate. This can lead to difficulty reading, completing math problems, copying words, or writing clearly. Kids who have poor vision may also become frustrated at school, which can lead to behavioral problems.

School Eye Exams Don't Identify All Vision Issues

Although the eye exams schools conduct are certainly helpful, they may not identify all vision problems. In fact, school vision screenings fail to detect up to 75% of vision issues, according to the American Optometric Association.

School-age children may experience a variety of problems that affect their eyesight, including:

  • Myopia (Nearsightedness). Kids who have myopia see close objects clearly, but objects in the distance look blurry. Myopia can be caused by an eyeball that is too long or a cornea that curves more than normal.

  • Hyperopia (Farsightedness). Farsightedness causes a person to see objects in the distance clearly, while those nearby are blurry. Hyperopia is often caused by eyeballs that are too short.

  • Astigmatism. Astigmatism causes blurry vision both near and far and occurs due to an irregularly curved cornea.

  • Other Vision Problems. A variety of other vision problems can affect your child's eyesight and school performance, including strabismus (crossed eyes), amblyopia (lazy eye), visual processing disorders, focusing problems, and eye teaming or tracking difficulties.

Children May Not Realize That They Need Glasses

Just because your child has never complained about poor vision doesn't mean that he or she can see clearly. After all, it's impossible to tell that you have a vision problem if the world has always looked slightly blurry.

Even young children can develop nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and other vision issues. According to the American Optometric Association's (AOA) 2018 American Eye-Q Survey, around 75% of kids who have myopia received their diagnoses at ages 3 - 12.

Regular eye exams will help you ensure that your son or daughter's vision is crisp and clear. Not sure how often your child needs to visit the optometrist? The AOA recommends these visit guidelines:

  • Once Between 6 - 12 Months

  • Once Between 3 - 5 Years

  • Before Beginning First Grade

  • Every Year Between 6 - 17 Years

Don't Let Your Child's Blurry Vision Go Untreated

Is it time for your child's eye exam? Contact our office to schedule your son or daughter's visit.


American Optometric Association: With Childhood Myopia Rates on the Rise, the American Optometric Association Highlights the Importance of Early Intervention Through Annual Eye Exams, 3/1/2019

UCLA Children's Discovery and Innovation Institute: Impact Analysis of Vision to Learn

American Optometric Association: Comprehensive Eye Exams

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Keep an Eye on Your Child’s Vision, 2/24/2023

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