Treating Dry Eye

Dry eye is a painful eye condition that has several causes. If you think you have dry eye, you need to see an optometrist. If you live in Hunters Creek, Lake Nona, or the Orlando area, contact our team at Uptown Eyecare to schedule an appointment with one of our eye doctors. Let’s look at a few tips for dealing with dry eye.

Add Moisture to the Air

One way to treat your dry eye is to get a humidifier. This will add water to the air in your vicinity so that you can keep the tear film on your eyes for longer. When the air is dry, it can cause that film to evaporate and leave your eyes poorly lubricated. Get a humidifier for each room that you spend a lot of time in so that the air can stay moist.

Use Eye Drops

When your eyes feel dry, tired, itchy, and painful, these are signs of dry eye. To relieve this pain quickly, use artificial tears. These come in the form of eye drops that will immediately provide your eyes with more moisture. There are several different prescription eye drops that you can get from the optometrist.

The eye drops are generally medicated and can fight the painful inflammation as well as add moisture to the eyes. There are also eye drops available over the counter that are just artificial tears. These offer a quick way to feel better, although the benefits are temporary and don't address the cause of the problem.

Wear Sunglasses

Being out in the wind can dry your eyes out quickly. This is especially true if you play a sport or bike. Wearing sunglasses can block the drying wind from getting to your eyes.

Contact Our Eye Doctors in Orlando, FL

If you live in Hunters Creek or Lake Nona and have dry eyes, our optometrists at Uptown Eyecare are here to help. We will conduct a comprehensive eye exam and create a treatment plan to provide relief and eliminate your dry eye. Call our team today at (407) 855-6132 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.

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